This is mainly a collection of notes, about mainly Linux. It is things people have asked me for, and it is easier to write it down (e.g. for someone overseas), or it is something I need every so often and I forget and then the Google trawling is non-trivial to find the good post that you remember from ten years ago. So it is captured here.

Personally, I grew up in the UK, in the working class north. I was fascinated by all things electrical, mechanical, computational, so I left school in 1993 and eneded up on a full technical apprenticeship (when they still existed). And that started a 30 year long search for all things assembly-based, pseudo-random, encrypted and mathematically difficult. That search has taken me to some interesting places, including:

  • a 10-year trip to the University of Sheffield for a sprinkling of degree certificates (including a PhD) in Electronic Engineering and Computing
  • a 10-year trip to a Mediterranean island to build a family life and a home
  • various roles in executive leadership and team leadership
  • trips to many of the best libraries of the world
  • various roles in network security, cryptography and secure systems design/development
  • advanced compiler design, development and test
  • various roles in rapid prototyping (hardware, software, cloud computing)
  • experience working with/for (name dropping time…) IBM, Apple, Cisco, RedHat, Sun/Oracle on hardware such as x86/64, MIPS, Sparc8/9, Cell Engine, ARM/aarch64 and PowerPC
