Raspberry Pi header with power wires

πŸ’» Yocto Linux build for Raspberry Pi 4 πŸ“ πŸ₯§ πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

Let’s build our own Linux operating system for a Raspberry Pi 4 First we need a big build box, something 16 VPC and 32GB RAM from AWS should do the trick. I like this machine: c4.4xlarge Set up the development environment sudo apt update && sudo apt -qy dist-upgrade && sudo apt -qy install gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev xterm sed cvs subversion coreutils texi2html docbook-utils python-pysqlite2 help2man desktop-file-utils libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev mercurial autoconf automake groff curl lzop asciidoc u-boot-tools cpio sudo rsync linux-headers-$(uname -r) locales Additional requirements:...

January 27, 2023 Β· 3 min Β· Jas
The GitHub logo

πŸ’» Git and GitHub Setup 2023 πŸ™ 🐾 πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

My 2023 git and GitHub setup guide. ...

January 11, 2023 Β· 3 min Β· Jas
The functions of the DevSecOps team

πŸ’» What is DevSecOps? πŸ” 🧰 πŸ’»

What is DevSecOps, and how is it different to the more traditional DevOps team you are used to working with? ...

September 11, 2022 Β· 4 min Β· Jas
The http header functions list

πŸ’» CRUD Put vs Patch πŸ“ ❌ 🧰

Should we use the http header PUT or PATCH when updating a record in a CRUD system? ...

August 23, 2022 Β· 2 min Β· Jas
The GitHub logo

πŸ’» Local Git init and GitHub setup πŸ™ 🐾 πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

A quick how-to guide to get your local git init project onto GitHub. ...

August 10, 2022 Β· 3 min Β· Jas
Raspberry Pi header with power wires

πŸ’» OpenBSD 6.9 on Raspberry Pi 4 πŸ“ πŸ₯§ πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

I wondered if I could use my Raspberry Pi 4 as a gateway device to shape and filter my network traffic. It only has one NIC, but OpenBSD supports many USB-NIC devices out of the box. Let’s see how successful this idea is. Update firmware on Raspberry Pi 4 Instructions here: https://github.com/AshyIsMe/openbsd-rpi4 Installing OpenBSD 6.9 on Raspberry Pi 4 Download and checksum install69.img from the OpenBSD 6.9 FTP site. Put the install69....

March 30, 2022 Β· 4 min Β· Jas
C programming indent rules from Plan 9

πŸ’» Style9 Indent Rules on Linux/OpenBSD 🐧 🐑 πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

Get that lovely Plan9 source feel in your C code on Linux or OpenBSD Kernel Normal Form Kernel normal form 1, or KNF, is the coding style used in the development of code for the BSD operating systems. According to the OpenBSD man pages 2: This file specifies the preferred style for kernel source files in the OpenBSD source tree. It is also a guide for preferred userspace code style....

March 11, 2022 Β· 2 min Β· Jas
An old letraset transparency

πŸ’» How To Setup A Yubikey β›“ πŸ” ✨

A Yubikey is a physical security device for your computer (and phone if you get the NFC version). In this post we will look at adding GPG and SSH keys to the Yubikey for additional privacy and security. ...

March 1, 2022 Β· 12 min Β· Jas
Partially solved sudoku puzzles and pencil

πŸ’» Sudoku Solver (by the Prime Minister of Singapore, Hsien Loong Lee) 🌊 🧩 πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

So, in 2015, the Prime Minister of Singapore, Hsien Loong Lee, posted a C language sudoku solver to leetcode.com and I can see a lot of bitwise manipulation in the code. I think it is worth our time to take the solution to pieces and see how it runs so fast. ...

July 10, 2021 Β· 11 min Β· Jas
An old letraset transparency

πŸ’» The Thing Namer 🐍 πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» ✨

There are two hard problems in computer science: we have one joke, and it’s not funny. – heyjdp I have things that need naming. So I propose a short project to arbitrarily name projects, because why not? It’s fun! ...

June 2, 2021 Β· 5 min Β· Jas